Lean Chicken Zucchini
Looking for that lean, but supertasty meal to eat while on a diet, in the middle of a cut or just before Christmas dinner to save that fat and carbs for later (we now we do..)?
Then we have the perfect meal for you, it is ridiculously easy to make, full of proteins, it’s not fancy, but of course, tasty! It is nothing less than a lean chicken zucchini!
What you need:
- Chicken breast
- Honey
- Salt and pepper
- Sriracha sauce
- Zucchini
What to do:
- Preheat the oven to 180°C
- Put the chicken breasts in a bowl or similar
- Add salt and pepper
- Add Sriracha sauce, you don’t want to add too much as it will get super spicy, about ½ spoon per chicken breast should be about ok (but the clue here is to adjust to your taste buds and diet)
- Add about 2-3g of Honey per chicken breast (again, clue here is to adapt to your diet, if any, honey can also be skipped)
- Mix it all together
- Add some coconut spray to the pan and let it heat up, cook the chicken breast quite hard on each side (20 – 40 seconds depending on heat), but make sure it doesn’t burn.
- Insert a thermometer in the chicken, place them all in a ovenproof dish and put it in the oven
- Let it cook until it reaches 68°C
- While you wait chop the zucchini into big pieces, clean it in a strainer then put it in a bowl
- If right for your diet add some olive oil, if not make sure not to dry off the zucchini completely, you want the salt & pepper to stick
- Add salt and pepper
- Warm up a new pan and fry the zucchini
- Cut some fresh tomatoes
- When the chicken has reached 68°C its ready! Take it out and make a small cut in it, if there’s any pink juice, it’s not done, if the juice is see through it’s ok.

If you have some extra fat you can always add the tzatziki, it goes great with chicken!
All you need to do now is to add the zucchini and fresh tomatoes and enjoy!!
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