Hi there! Welcome to Fuel Chefs!
We are Tobias and Ida, we are both foodies with a love for an active lifestyle. With all our activities and hectic work life, we believe that fueling our bodies with not only healthy but tasty food is important.
So, who are we?
We found our love for one another first, and then our common love for a healthy lifestyle ♥️
Both of us have high demanding jobs in advisory and management, we enjoy CrossFit (but not to get good at CrossFit, but to be good at life), weight lifting, Paleo-inspired food, riding single tracks, and alpine skiing. However, it’s no secret that we are both weak for sweats and a decent (warm) cinnamon bun… who can say no to that???
Anyhow, we started this blog as a result of our Instagram page @Fuel.Chefs. We wanted to share more of our journey and share more recipes in a smart and easily digestible way.
Fuel Chefs was started because we found it hard to find recipes that would not only fit our macros but also taste good. Let’s be real, life is way too short to eat bad food and drink poor wine. Tobias has always experimented with food and is above average in the kitchen, Ida has made food mostly just to eat and to stay full, but now has a (not so) newfound love for cooking.
We are situated in Oslo, Norway, but we enjoy traveling to explore and learn about other cultures, and to see the world. When we travel we enjoy tasting local specialties (Tobias is way more experimental here than Ida is..?), while eating smart. We hope to share as much from these journeys as we can and hopefully, they can give inspiration as to how to stay healthy while traveling.

From high carb to low carb to paleo to macros
We both started our journey in the same way, we felt that the traditional Scandinavian way of eating did not match our bodies and needs. So, we both started with low carb and stayed true to this for years. However, while reaping benefits like reduced allergies and initial weight loss neither of us felt it fueled us right in workouts or in our daily lives, and we didn’t get the results we wanted.
So, Tobias went over to Paleo, Ida following in that direction after some time. Both felt that this was a good fit, but with the Scandinavian influence, it developed into a Paleo-inspired long-term diet. We both believe that human bodies have not evolved as fast as one would think and that playing along with our bodies, listening and accepting what it thrive on is better than forcing it into a pattern that didn’t work for us.
After some time we wanted more structure in the way we ate so we discovered RP Strength. We have both counted macros before, but this was a science based more structured way of approaching it, and most importantly, we liked it and our bodies thrived aka we lifted more, slept better, were more attentive at work and had more energy.
So, what we have ended up with now is a Paleo-inspired macro-based diet. In cycles we do diets, and when we’re not we use the knowledge we have of food and our bodies’ needs to create healthy food. We never use processed food and always create everything from scratch (except for the occasional Whey or Casein protein powder). We, to the degree possible, purchase only organic products. The reason for this is threefold: we are both animal lovers and therefore care deeply about the wellbeing of animals, we believe in protecting the planet from pesticides and other chemicals, and finally, we want our bodies to get as clean and healthy food as possible.
Finally, we aim to make recipes that can inspire, be easy to make, and tasty, but they have to be easy to adapt to your personal macros or whatever tool you use to stay healthy.
We are delighted that you want to follow us on our journey to become healthier and happier humans.
Happy reading ☺️