Brunch Beauty
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Brunch Beauty – high protein

Looking for a change up in your breakfast or lunch routine? Then we recommend this Brunch Beauty! You get both a a ham & cheese toast and an egg & ham sandwich in one meal. It works just as well for breakfast as for lunch. What is great about this dish is that it has both protein and fat, and not much carbs. The amount of fat will make sure that you will be kept full for quite some time, and the carbs add some fun to your meal. 

In the search for more healthy breakfast recipes check out our free booklet: Our top five healthy and delicious breakfast recipes that will fuel your body. Our our Healthy Protein Rolls.

What you need for the Brunch Beauty: 

  • 2 pieces of bread (of your choice, be beware of the carbohydrates per 100g)
  • 2 eggs
  • 3-4 slices of ham, you can also used sliced ham
  • 2 slices of cheese or grated cheese
  • 1 tomato
  • Stainless Steel Grater

What to do: 

We’ve divided the recipe into 4 steps for you to make it easier to make. 

Step 1: 

  • Start with slicing up the tomato and ham (if not already sliced)
  • Preheat the oven at 225°C/437°F (hot air)

Step 2: Ham & Cheese toast

  • Take the 2 pieces of bread and make a round hole in the middle with a glass
  • Do the same with some slices of ham, but use a smaller glass
  • Dip the edges of the round slices of bread in egg white
  • Put the ham on top of one of the round bread pieces
  • Add some grated cheese of your choice on the ham
  • Put the other round slice of bread on top and press them hard together with the bottom of a glass
  • Place them on the baking sheet and they’re ready for the oven

Step 3: Egg & Ham Sandwich

  • Cut up the rest of the ham and put in in the middle of the 2 bread slices (on top of each other) on a baking sheet
  • Crack one egg on top of the ham (in the hole in the bread)
  • Now these are ready for the oven too

Step 4: Oven

  • Put the egg and ham toast and sandwich in the oven and cook until the eggs are done

How to serve: 

Serve these with tomatoes and coffee or tea.


If you make 2 portions (4 slices of bread) it will be:

  • Protein 25g
  • Carbohydrates 25g
  • Fat 15g (One egg has about 5g fat and cheese has 27g per 100g. So 2 eggs and 20g cheese will give you about 15g of fat)

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